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Little tool with idea of downloading random top-n pictures from the Flickr, resize it properly & build collage from them!

Here are some features:


Ruby versions 2.3.0 and higher.

Flickrage collage example


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install flickrage

System Wide Install (OSX, *nix):

$ sudo gem install flickrage          


It's pretty simple at the start:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit


You'll need to get/generate an API keys from your Flickr profile at

Next you can export Flickr API keys as ENV variables:


Or set keys with arguments:

$ flickrage --flickr-api-key SOMELONGKEY --flickr-shared-secret SOMELONGSECRET


Select output folder:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit -o ./tmp

Enter collage file_name:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit --file-name some.jpg

Get collage of top 10 images:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit --max 10

Get collage of top 20 images:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit --max 20

Get collage of top 10 images custom width & height:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit --max 10 --width 160 --height 120

Provide your own words dictionary:

$ flickrage -k some nice grapefruit --dict-path /usr/share/dict/words

All options:

> $ flickrage help c 

  -k, --keywords=some nice grapefruit                
      [--max=10]                                     # Select number of files.
                                                     # Default: 10
                                                     # Possible values: 1, ..., 20
      [--grid=2]                                     # Select grid base number.
      [--width=120]                                  # Set width for resize downloaded images.
      [--height=80]                                  # Set height for resize downloaded images.
  -l, [--log=/Users/someone/.flickrage/main.log]     # Log file path. By default logging is disabled.
  -o, [--output=./tmp]                               # Output directory, where all data will be stored.
      [--file-name=./some.png]                       # Name for the file with collage.
      [--dict-path=/usr/share/dict/words]            # Path to the file with multiline words (dictionary).
  -c, [--cleanup], [--no-cleanup]                    # Cleanup files before collage.
  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]                    # Verbose mode.
  -q, [--quiet], [--no-quiet]                        # Quiet mode. If don't need any messages and in console.
      [--flickr-api-key=YOURLONGAPIKEY]              # FLICKR_API_KEY. if you can't use environment.
      [--flickr-shared-secret=YOURLONGSHAREDSECRET]  # FLICKR_SHARED_SECRET. if you can't use environment.

`flickrage` is a tool which loves search on the Flickr & making collages from findings.

You have to enter name of the output file and a max number of downloading files.

Parameters helps you specify rectangle size for each image, collage name, it's location, ..., and well the grid base size.


Flickrage example

Real world example

$ flickrage c -k one two three --cleanup --flickr-api-key ************ --flickr-shared-secret ***********
  Thank you for choosing Flickrage, you will find me as your Flickr collage companion :)

  Received keywords: [one, two, three, archencephalic, trub, soiree, barring, Cestodaria, readorn, Thurnia]
  [+] Searching (found image ID#15415535811)

  Found 10 images:
  keyword      id           url                                                               title                              width  height
  one          16214454241  First Snowfall                      1024     687
  tightfisted   8757535743   Teasels at the Sixteen Foot         1024     696
  achete       15415535811  Une nouvelle, page 12 on 17         1024    1024

  Scheduled to download 10 images
  Please enter the path of the output directory: ./tmp
  [+] Downloaded image ID#8757535743

  Downloaded 10 images:
  keyword      id           path                                                                      downloaded?
  one          16214454241  /Users/some/path/tmp/16214454241_3ab4ae73c7_b.jpg  true
  achete       15415535811  /Users/some/path/tmp/15415535811_4eedddc4b4_b.jpg  true

  Please enter image resize width: 200
  Please enter image resize height: 100
  [+] Resized image 15415535811

  Resized 10 images:
  keyword      id           path                                                                              resized?
  one          16214454241  /Users/some/path/tmp/resized.16214454241_3ab4ae73c7_b.jpg  true
  tightfisted   8757535743  /Users/some/path/tmp/resized.8757535743_1c8c6b57d9_b.jpg   true
  achete       15415535811  /Users/some/path/tmp/resized.15415535811_4eedddc4b4_b.jpg  true

  Please enter the collage file name: some.png
  [+] Collage making
  10 images composed

  Congrats! You can find composed collage at /Users/some/path/tmp/some.png



If not installed, install or provide your own:

$ apt-get install --reinstall wamerican


By default: /usr/share/dict/words



  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


$ rake spec 

Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Merkulov

MIT License